Tuesday 25 January 2011

Well I’ve managed to track down new boy on the block Casionova for an interview with beatmatch, now firstly what do I call you? MR Nova? Cas?
Haha, Harry will do fine, and thanks for having me today

So tell me, Whats your favourite kind of music? I mean, we know you’re a house artist predominantly but have been known to dabble. But what is your favourite genre?

Well, much like my music, I dabble in music. My ipod is literally filled with every kind of music imaginable. ACDC to ZZ Top. I just LOVE music. Which in my field of work is probably for the best!

the question on everyone’s mind is, First album, debut onto a relatively popular scene right now, what sets you apart from every other guy with a laptop and tracktor?

Well, haha, anyone with a decent laptop can download a program and become a “artist” nowadays. It’s more so the skill behind the laptop, the pen is mightier than the sword but the writer is more powerful than both. That and I suppose the connections that I have within the music world. I have a lot of people collaborating on my debut album, the likes of crookers and daft punk have helped out, and they’ve been great!

So some pretty big hitters in varying sub genres then! Now you’ve got somewhat of a rep around as a, well, lets say unconventional artist. A lady gaga on the dj spectrum, how did that come about?

Well, Lady gaga sets out to cause controversy, she aims to be weird and “unique” whereas I guess with me its just sort of natural, I’ve never liked to stick to the norms other people have said, they make me uncomfortable. I’ve been known to hop out of bed, turn my swag on, look in the mirror and say “that’ll do” and leave the house. I don’t put on a slew of dead kermits to be odd I just am!

Haha, without a doubt you’re a bit eccentric, whats the weirdest story you have from when you were touring?

Well, unfortunately I have a few. The strangest story ive got is pieced together from other peoples recollections, photos and what small amounts I remember from my liquor induced madness. I’d just finished my 100th set and at this point id consumed a bottle of hennesey I had been bought as a present. Now at this point I had the ephemeral haze of, “ok, its your liver, stop now please” but like any self respecting imbecile I ignored it and carried on drinking. And that’s where it all goes blank. The photos show many things, most unsavoury, one of the few I could tell you about is me drink jager out of a shoe. No idea why but what I do know is that I'm banned from playing and going to 6 venues in Newcastle and apparently one in Crete.

Crete?! As in Greece Crete?

Yeah, the owner of one of the bars had another venue there which im banned from, odd really…

Certainly sounds like one hell of a wild night! So have you got anything on the cards for the upcoming month or years?

Well, as a bonus, ive decided to release the unheard songs off the album as a free mixtape, I decided that having made them someone ought to hear them, be a bit of a waste otherwise haha. I’ve also just finished arranging a world tour with numerous other DJ’s and artists, the dates and venues are being announced soon but I can confirm that there’s going to be 7 UK dates with the likes of magnetic man, doctor p and some other special guests.

Sounding like its going to be a busy year for you then, How are you finding the rocket to fame, going from unknown underground DJ to superstardom, I mean, they’re pretty much polar opposites!

Yeah, this is what it must’ve been like for SuBo haha. Nahh, yeah, its interesting to say the least. When I used to go into the supermarket after days of being locked away in a room creating and tweaking tunes I got looks of “who’s this guy? Why does he smell so bad”. Now I’m going in, still looking weird, still smelling like feet and yet people run up to me, start shaking my hand, hugging me, asking for photos. It’s a change: I think I like it.

Well, now, another question that’s on everyone lips. Its been rumoured that you’ve been roped in by another well known artist whose name we aren’t allowed to disclose, starting with K and ending in West to produce his next album? Can you expand on these?

Well, Mr. W has indeed approached me. We were at a red carpet event and he strolled up to me all confident and said quite calmly “we need to talk business”. So we did. And im going to have to say apart from that, there’s little else I can say about that unfortunately, but there are cards on the table.

Now that Is interesting! Now speaking of collaborators did you enjoy working with the other artists on your album?

Well, I put some trousers on to meet them. And in the year of making the album I had only put on trousers 6 times (not counting visits to the shops) to leave the house. I had an amazing time swapping stories and they imparted so much wisdom from their time in the game! I have to say out of all of them Daft Punk may have been the most fun to hang out with! They’ve even made me consider purchasing some new add-ons to my set as I had so much fun mucking around with theirs! I mean ableton is simply a blast!

Well thanks for taking the time to talk to us about you and we hope that the tour goes well, as well as maybe or maybe not a collab with Mr West!

Its been great chatting! Thanks for getting me out of the house haha!

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